Well, today turned out good and bad...I had lots of fun on the phone with some very hot guys earlier today, seemed like I only put the phone down and it rang again! Then after lunch things slowed down and I started doing all my chores...Yes, it's true, even sexy hot women have to do chores! That is when things went bad...
I own 3 vacuum's, 2 won't suck up anything and the other is upstairs and I'm not about to lug that sucker down..so I bought a new one from my fav store Overstock.com.
Then I got a new mop from Singer, what a piece of crap...LOL I fired my housekeeper last month and now it's up to me to clean and omg..I would much rather talk to a hot guy, take a bath, wash the dog, ANYTHING but mop the floors. Well...I need another mop or housekeeper, help me decide...leave me a comment and tell me what I should do!
So, the finally thing is the cell phone...WHAT IS IT ABOUT THOSE DAMN THINGS??? I cannot be alone in my frustration over poor reception. Sure you can connect with someone but when did you EVER have a phone call that was not prolonged by having to repeat yourself over and over or make you want to throw the damn thing out the window! I tried to chat with someone and the damn phone acted up, now he's pissy and won't talk to me. I'm being punished for bad ph reception and my inability to act like nothing was bugging me!! The guy won't even come online so I can humble myself to him and apologize. Why must I be punished??
OK...I feel better, I probably just need to cum...How about it, wanna help me out?